Are you a Georgia Faith leader, or do you know one?  

October 10th is World Day Against the Death Penalty.

This year, we are gathering faith leaders (ordained or not) at Central Presbyterian Church (across from the Georgia Capitol) at 9am for a morning of conversation, collaboration, strategic thinking, and action.

This time will be followed by a press conference on the steps of the Georgia Capitol at 12:30pm with Sen Rev Kim Jackson.

If you are a person of faith who wants to put your faith into action against the death penalty, please join us!

 We affirm a collective statement of faith:

"As faith leaders of varying religious traditions and practices, we stand in direct and firm opposition to the death penalty as a crime for any punishment in the state of Georgia. We believe the state should not engage in the practice of taking life, no matter the crime. Along with concerns about fairness, intellectual disability, discrimination and the potential error in its application, we believe that the death penalty is a violation of human rights, welfare and dignity and that the state of Georgia should not be responsible for such an irreversible decision”.

World Day Against the Death Penalty was first organized by the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty in 2003.

Twenty-two years on, where are we with death penalty abolition?

Internationally, more than 70% of the world’s countries have abolished capital punishment in law or practice.

In recent decades, there has been a clear trend away from capital punishment, as many countries have either abolished the death penalty or discontinued its use. The U.S. remains an outlier among its close allies and other democracies in its continued application of the death penalty.

We must, and will, end the death penalty.

Multi-faith Event Steering Committee:

Cathy Harmon-Christian, PhD - Georgians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (GFADP)

Joia Erin Thornton, MPA, MPP  - faith leaders of color coalition (flocc)

Jayna Hoffacker - Georgia Catholics Against the Death Penalty (GCADP)

Archdeacon Carole Maddux - Georgia Interfaith Public Policy Center (GIPPC)

Leslie Anderson - Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC)

GFADP is working to end capital punishment in Georgia and around the world.  We are a strong, diverse, statewide, grassroots movement which:

Death Penalty Information Center's (DPIC) fact sheet on the death penalty:

DPIC's fact sheet 

Executive Director 

M. Cathy Harmon-Christian, PhD
Contact information can be found HERE



You can call GFADP at (770) 316-8592 or email We would love to connect with you!

GFADP is undergoing some website work! If things don't look quite right or a link is broken, you are welcome to contact us, but if you check back regularly, it will likely correct itself soon.